mofub0t's ffxiv character compendium
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makotoh matoh
She/Her. 25 years old.
SMN main.Self-employed artisan.
Affiliated with The Scions of The Seventh Dawn.❤ Aymeric de Borel
niahn gao molkoh
She/Her. 20 years old.
SCH main.Employed by Garlond Ironworks.
Previously affiliated with the Nymian Marines; The Sons of Saint Coinach; The Scions of The Seventh Dawn❤ Maxima quo Priscus; Alphinaud Leveilleur
arnar "marron" muruc
He/Him. 27 years old.
ALC main.Employed by Severian Lyctor.❤ Hancock Fitzgerald
sixtus jen cinna
He/Him. 29 years old.
Medicus.Affliated with The XIIth Imperial Legion.❤ Aulus mal Asina; Jullus pyr Norbanus
zhu cha molkoh
He/Him. 29 years old.
MCH main.Self-employed Antagonist.
Previously affiliated with The Maelstrom; Lolorito Nanarito.
makotoh matoh (AU)
She/Her. 25 years old.BLM main.Self-employed Antagonist.
Previously affiliated with The Scions of The Seventh Dawn.❤ Aymeric de Borel